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We have this certain HOPE like a strong,
unbreakable anchor holding our souls to God Himself.  Hebrews 6:19


How do we care for our souls? Caring for ourselves is hard. We care for others in our lives. We try to care for our bodies through nutrition and exercise. We care for our physical needs through our work. We care for our social needs in relationships. But how do we care for the most fundamental part of who we are? 

Soul care is a vital part of our spiritual formation and transformation. We do not transform ourselves, but we anchor ourselves in God: He does the work in us. Soul care helps us slow down and begin to pay attention to the inner workings of our life to hear the invitations of God.  

We need the steady support of others to be attentive to our souls. Spiritual direction and group soul care create safe, sure spaces to care for our souls. In these spaces, we journey together on the life-long journey of transformation. 

What Clients are Saying

“I’ve had the honor of knowing Angela as both a co-educator of our students and as a dear friend. Angela exudes gentleness, grace, and creativity in her guidance of new spiritual directors, as well as in her own work as a spiritual director. She has an incredible natural gifting for the work of spiritual direction, but she carries this gifting with such humility–responsively following the lead of the Holy Spirit, with a perpetual eagerness for greater learning and personal growth. I would HIGHLY recommend you invite Angela to journey with you in your walk with God!”

Stacey Cooper, M.A.

Denver Seminary Program Coordinator, Certificate in Spiritual Direction

“Angela is a deeply gifted spiritual director. Her calm, grounded presence and creative attunement to the Spirit make her a wise spiritual guide. It is a gift to have her offer spiritual direction to faith leaders in Colorado at our seasonal retreats.” 

Ally Ley

President, the Abbey Colorado and Director, Soul Care Initiative at Denver Seminary

“I have had the honor of knowing, learning from, and working alongside Angela for several years and I have seen firsthand what a gifted spiritual director she is. Angela accompanies spiritual sojourners with depth, curiosity, kindness, warmth, and gentleness. Her questions and intentionality help draw you deeper into the heart of Christ. Angela has a passion for Scripture, embodied spirituality, and creativity – she uses these passions to help others engage with God in new, integrative ways. Anyone who has had the opportunity to work with Angela knows what a gift it is to experience the love of God through her words and presence.”

Becky Young


“Angela possesses the rare gift of leading soul care groups gently but purposefully. She sees each person in the group individually and has a way of guiding them towards a deeper relationship with the Lord in the unique way they need. It’s remarkable!”

Carrie P.

Small Group Participant

“When I first began seeing Angela for spiritual direction, I was at a very difficult place in my relationship with God. A profound traumatic loss in my life had left me void of any feelings toward God except anger. I didn’t know if he cared, if he was listening, or if he was even there. All the old tactics I’d once used to connect with him came up empty. When I first started meeting with Angela, a wall was up around my heart. Her gentle guidance and safe presence gave me space to just be exactly where I was with God. She never expected any “progress” I was not ready for. I believe it was this loving safety which slowly allowed me to dismantle that wall around my heart.”


Heidi T.


“We had Angela come and lead our staff in a four-hour time of focused prayer. I know that most of the staff were very concerned about the length of our time together when I first scheduled it. Every staff member told me afterward that the time went by very quickly and the depth of what God showed them was exactly what they needed. Angela broke up the time into different focused prayer activities and it helped each person open up to hearing God’s voice. I would highly recommend Angela to lead your group in a similar time of focused prayer.” 

Dan D.

Pastor, Shine Church

“I’ve had the honor of knowing Angela as both a co-educator of our students and as a dear friend. Angela exudes gentleness, grace, and creativity in her guidance of new spiritual directors, as well as in her own work as a spiritual director. She has an incredible natural gifting for the work of spiritual direction, but she carries this gifting with such humility–responsively following the lead of the Holy Spirit, with a perpetual eagerness for greater learning and personal growth. I would HIGHLY recommend you invite Angela to journey with you in your walk with God!”

Stacey Cooper, M.A.

Denver Seminary Program Coordinator, Certificate in Spiritual Direction

“Angela is a deeply gifted spiritual director. Her calm, grounded presence and creative attunement to the Spirit make her a wise spiritual guide. It is a gift to have her offer spiritual direction to faith leaders in Colorado at our seasonal retreats.” 

Ally Ley

President, the Abbey Colorado and Director, Soul Care Initiative at Denver Seminary

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